Life Plan? Why would I ever need a Life Plan?
I remember asking myself, "Why would I ever need a Life Plan?" I had lived a pretty amazing life and done many things – author, scholar, consultant, trainer, international conference speaker, seasoned observer of culture, minister and earned a PhD.
I had lived in 4 countries, worked in over 70 more, served on various boards, spoke two languages fluently and could survive in a few others. At an age when many might consider taking up new hobbies in retirement, I was looking to recharge and reengage, not retire.
As a well-accomplished man in his mid-sixties, I possessed a reasonable self-awareness, a good understanding of my strengths and talents accompanied by a humble awareness of my weaknesses.
So what was wrong? Why did I feel so stuck?
After 33 years serving as lead pastor of a large, multi-cultural, international church, I knew it was time to turn the wheel over to a new generation.
You can imagine the emotions of turning loose of a position you’ve held for 33 years.
Additionally, I was involved in so many worthy things that I was spread thin doing good things more or less well, instead of being focused on things strategic, that would fit my skill set and energize me rather than drain me.
I felt… paralyzed, confused and not a little bit frightened for the future. Truth be told, I'd been like this for several years.
I felt stuck because I was stuck. And I didn't know what to do.
It was this confusion that led me to a two-day experience called a LifePlan. Let me tell you a bit of my story and how Life Planning affected me in ways I could never have imagined.